Expanding the Boundaries of Meaning: Culler, Uexküll, and AI in Semiotic Perspective

Introduction Language does not merely label reality; it actively constructs it. Jonathan Culler, drawing on Saussure, argues that no single way of dividing or interpreting experience is inherently superior to another, as long as it enables individuals to navigate and flourish within their environment. Similarly, Uexküll’s Umwelt theory suggests that meaning is not exclusive to humans but is shaped by the perceptual and semiotic structures of different species. In the digital sphere, AI systems process data in ways that could be seen as a form of meaning-making, though fundamentally distinct from human and animal cognition. This article explores how these perspectives challenge traditional assumptions about interpretation and considers whether AI systems, in their structured responses to input, participate in semiosis. Language as an Active Shaper of Meaning Culler’s discussion of linguistic systems highlights that they do not simply reflect reality but impose their own structu...