Synchronic and Diachronic Linguistics: Geometrical Clarity and Botanical Insight

Introduction Besides the analogy of the game of chess, Saussure employs other captivating comparisons to illustrate the complex relationship between linguistique statique et linguistique dynamique. In the notes of Saussure's students corresponding to the lesson of June 20, 1911, we find a passage where he uses two additional analogies borrowed from the language of optics (le langage de l'optique) to further clarify the complex interplay of dependence and independence between the synchronic and diachronic aspects: Toujours en empruntant le langage de l'optique, il est juste de parler de deux perspectives fondamentales (car on peut distinguer des sous-perspectives) comme exprimant ce qu'il y a dans un état ou ce qu'il y a dans une diachronie ( From the notebooks of Emile Constantin). These similarities and dissimilarities, says Saussure, are contingent on the point of view adopted by the observer, which is in consonance with his dictum "C'est le poi...